Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's a Miracle!

Stanford's new definition of a "twin bed"!

It was an early start for rooms C107 and C108 at Stanford Medical Center. At 6:30 am PST Chris was transported to Pre-Op, but not before the twins could wreak havoc on their nurses. Both insisted on including hand written post-it notes to the surgeon on their charts and bodies. These stated their requests:
Dr. Busque - While you're at it, can you please do a tummy tuck.
Thanks, Chris
ps No catheter please!
Thom (for Chris' chart):
Please perform the following:
1) Breast Augmentation
2) Brain Transplant
Our family would really appreciate it.
Needless to say the nurses and surgeon were kept entertained.

Chris on his way to surgery

At 12:30 pm, Thom was transported to Pre-Op. En route, the surgeon, Dr. Busque, informed us that Chris' surgery went really well and everything looked good. The anesthesiologist, Dr. Fink, explained the operating procedure and after a blood test they were ready to wheel Thom into surgery.

Thom on his way to surgery (with Melissa and Annette)

Around 4:00 pm Dr. Busque came out to inform us that Thom's surgery was successful and that the kidney was working PERFECTLY! It is a modern miracle and we are SO grateful for the positive outcome.

The man of the hour, Dr. Busque!


  1. I'm so happy and grateful that everything went great!!!
    Love you Stevenson's!!!!

  2. Daddio! What a guy you are, thanks for your example of loving your brother and giving selflessly. See you soon!
